The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Sign up for SFX and receive a pair o' treasure worth 69 pieces o' eight! Arrr!


Arr matey, ye can get yer hands on this treasure for a mere £3.54 a piece! Aye, 'tis a steal worth sailin' the seven seas for! So grab it quick before ye end up walkin' the plank, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! I've got a deal so good ye won't believe yer ears. Ye can get yer hands on the finest treasure trove of knowledge for just £3.54 a pop! That's right, me hearties, for the price of a tankard of grog, ye can have a copy of this fine publication in yer hands!
Imagine the envy of all yer shipmates when they see ye with this fine reading material. Ye'll be the talk of the port, I tells ye! Plus, think of all the knowledge ye'll gain from reading each issue. Ye'll be the smartest buccaneer on the high seas!
So what are ye waiting for? Don't be a landlubber, jump on board this offer before it sails away. For just a few pieces of eight, ye can have hours of entertainment and enlightenment at yer fingertips. Ye won't find a better deal in all the Seven Seas, I guarantees it!

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