The Booty Report

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Arrr! This newfangled Metroidvania be better than a barrel o' rum! Aye, 'tis the cure for me Hollow Knight woes!


Arr mateys, Animal Well be a treasure trove fer them who be fancyin' gothic bugs! 'Tis a jolly good time fer ye landlubbers with a taste fer the creepy crawlers. Set sail and discover the wonders of this fine establishment! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! If ye be a lover of all things gothic and bugs be yer passion, then Animal Well be the place for ye! This be a spot where ye can find all the creepy crawlies yer heart desires, all in a dark and mysterious setting fit for a pirate like meself. The creatures on display be sure to send shivers down yer spine and make ye feel like ye be in a haunted tomb.

From giant beetles to monstrous spiders, Animal Well be a treasure trove for those who be fascinated by the macabre. The staff be knowledgeable and eager to share their love of all things creepy, making the experience even more enjoyable for landlubbers and seasoned sailors alike. Ye be sure to leave with a smile on yer face and a newfound appreciation for the fascinating world of bugs.

So if ye be looking for a place to indulge yer gothic bug obsession, Animal Well be the perfect spot to spend yer doubloons. Just be sure to watch yer step, lest ye come face to face with a creature that be more than ye bargained for. Fair winds and following seas, me hearties!

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