The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, mateys! Disney Lorcana be sellin' like doubloons, so they be makin' another batch, savvy?


Arrr, ye blimey scalawags! Publisher Ravensburger sails the treacherous sea of social media, swearin' on me mother's parrot that more treasure-filled cards be comin' yer way for Disney Lorcana! Avast, me hearties, prepare to plunder and pillage with glee!

In a delightful turn of events, publisher Ravensburger has taken to the high seas of social media to announce that more cards are on their way for the beloved game Disney Lorcana! Avast, me hearties, it seems that our gaming adventures are about to be expanded!

With a mischievous glint in their eye, Ravensburger assures us that more treasures await us in the form of new cards for Disney Lorcana. Ahoy! Can you imagine the excitement of unraveling the mysteries and uncovering the hidden magic of these new additions to our beloved game?

As we eagerly await the arrival of these coveted cards, we find ourselves daydreaming about the possibilities. Will we encounter a fearsome pirate crew led by Captain Hook himself? Or perhaps we shall cross paths with the enchanting sorceress Maleficent, casting wicked spells to hinder our progress?

But fear not, me hearties, for Ravensburger has proven themselves to be a trustworthy captain, steering our ship through the vast sea of gaming with finesse. They have provided us with many hours of laughter and joy, and we can only imagine the treasures that await us with these new cards.

So, gather your crew, me hearties, and prepare yourselves for the arrival of these exciting expansions! Set sail on the game board, and may the winds of fortune blow in your favor as you navigate through the magical world of Disney Lorcana.

In conclusion, publisher Ravensburger has announced on social media that more cards are on their way for the beloved game Disney Lorcana. With their humorous and playful announcement, they have left us eagerly anticipating the arrival of these new additions. As we prepare to embark on new gaming adventures, we can't help but imagine the exciting possibilities that these cards may hold. Ravensburger has proven to be a reliable captain in the realm of gaming, and we trust that they will deliver more hours of laughter and enjoyment with these expansions. So, rally your crew and get ready to set sail once again, as the world of Disney Lorcana expands with new treasures to discover.

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