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Arrr! Methinks a secret TVA clue may unveil if Deadpool 3 be set afore Loki!


Arrr, me hearties! Methinks ye scallywags might find a hidden treasure in the Deadpool 3 trailer, a Loki Easter egg that be givin' ye a clue 'bout when this tale unfolds in the grand tapestry o' the MCU. Avast!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be wantin' to hear about the Deadpool 3 trailer and the Loki Easter eggs, eh? Well, grab yer rum and settle in, 'cause I've got a tale to share!
Now, ye know Deadpool, that wisecracking rogue of a mercenary. He be known for breakin' the fourth wall and causin' all sorts o' mischief. And it seems he's at it again in the trailer for his third adventure.
But what be this about Loki Easter eggs, ye ask? Well, it appears that Deadpool be droppin' hints about when his story takes place in the grand Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline. Aye, ye heard right!
Ye see, in the trailer, Deadpool be sportin' a fake beard, resemblin' none other than our mischievous trickster god, Loki. That be a clear nod to the events of the Loki series, where the God of Mischief be gallivantin' through time and messin' with the sacred timeline.
So, me mateys, it stands to reason that Deadpool be existin' in a timeline affected by Loki's shenanigans. This be a clever way for the filmmakers to place Deadpool 3 in the MCU timeline, without causin' too much chaos.
But, as always with Deadpool, things ain't always what they seem. Perhaps this be just another one of his pranks, messin' with our heads and keepin' us guessin'.
Whether or not ye be a fan o' the MCU, ye can't deny the humor and wit that Deadpool brings to the table. And these Loki Easter eggs be yet another example of his cheeky antics.
So, me hearties, keep yer eyes peeled for the release of Deadpool 3, and let's see if the film truly be takin' place in a Loki-altered timeline. Until then, enjoy yer grog and keep laughin' along with Deadpool's antics!

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