The Booty Report

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Ahoy, ye brave soul! A toast to the scurvy dog who hath acquired a fresh Wii U, breakin' a 17-month curse!


Arr! Methinks but a solitary soul hath purchased a Wii U in the year 2023, and we ought to aspire to be such exquisite scallywags, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen close, for I have a tale to spin ye. 'Tis said, in the year o' our Lord 2023, there be but one soul who dared to purchase a Wii U. A rare breed indeed, this beautiful sicko, who sailed the treacherous waters of gaming alone.

Oh, the mockery that befalls this brave soul! The world be filled with Xboxes and PlayStations, yet this wanderin' pirate chose to defy the current. Perhaps 'twas a moment of madness, or perchance a stroke of genius. Regardless, we should all aspire to possess such audacity.

Picture this, me hearties: a solitary pirate, with naught but a Wii U for company. The laughter of friends be replaced with the virtual adventures of Mario and Link. No band of swashbuckling mates to sail the virtual seas, but a fierce determination to conquer each level alone.

Imagine the conversations in the taverns, as the tale of this lone Wii U owner spreads like wildfire. "Did ye hear the legend?" they would whisper, their eyes wide with disbelief. "There be but one pirate who dared to set sail on the Wii U in 2023!"

And as the jesters mock and the doubters scoff, this brave soul stands tall. For they know the true power of their choice, the uncharted joy that awaits them. They be the envy of all, for they possess a treasure so rare, it be considered a relic of the gaming world.

So let us raise our tankards and salute this beautiful sicko, this lone Wii U owner of 2023. May their journey be filled with laughter, adventure, and perhaps a few questionable fashion choices. For in a world where conformity reigns, it takes a true pirate to stand apart and say, "Arrr, Wii U be me matey, and I be proud of it!"

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