The Booty Report

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Arrr, the captain of Baldur's Gate 3 wouldn't scuttle the ship for doubloons, even as the crew feared we'd sink!


Arrr, Larian had to be bendin' the ol' development pipelines like a ship in a storm! Forced they were, to make a change in course. Ahoy matey, the winds be a-changin' in the land of game makin'!

Arrr mateys, listen up as I spin ye a tale of Larian Studios and their woes with development pipelines. This band of scallywags found themselves in a bit of a pickle, forced to make changes to their ways of creating treasure-filled games.
Ye see, Larian was sailing along just fine, minding their own business and crafting some of the finest adventures in all the seven seas. But alas, trouble brewed on the horizon as their pipelines began to clog up like a bilge rat in a barrel of grog.
With storms a-brewin' and deadlines a-loomin', Larian knew they had to make a change or risk walkin' the plank into oblivion. So, they hoisted the Jolly Roger and set sail on a new course, revamping their pipelines to be more efficient and productive.
It weren't easy, mind ye, but with grit and determination, Larian turned the tide and emerged victorious. Now, their games be smoother than a mermaid's song and more polished than a pirate's hook.
So, me hearties, take heed from Larian's tale and remember that even the mightiest of crews must adapt and evolve to stay afloat in these treacherous waters of game development. Arrr!

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