The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye hearties! Set yer sights on this grand RPG, a treasure trove o' gaming glory, blendin' Celeste, Metroidvanias, Doom, and Studio Ghibli! Avast, ye Kickstarter success to come!


Avast! Me heart be tickled with curiosity for this here Lucid, as it boasts tunes from the renowned David Wise! Arrr, I be yearnin' to give it a whirl, me matey!

"Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of the Lucid, a game that's got me mighty intrigued! Yar, it be a game filled with jolly music from none other than the legendary David Wise himself, arr!"

Now, ye may be wonderin' what be so special 'bout this Lucid game, and I'll tell ye, me fellow buccaneers! It be a game that takes ye on a grand adventure, sailin' through the vast sea of dreams. Aye, ye heard it right, me mateys - dreams! Ye get to explore these dreams and uncover their secrets, all while bein' accompanied by the melodious tunes of the great David Wise. Ain't that a treasure worth seekin'?"

But, ye might be thinkin', what sets this game apart from others? Well, let me paint ye a picture, me hearties! Picture yerself as a swashbucklin' pirate, sailin' through the ethereal waters of dreams. Yar, there be puzzles to solve and challenges to face, all designed to make ye think and test yer mettle. And all the while, the music be playin' in the background, settin' the mood for yer grand adventure.

Now, me fellow seafarers, let me tell ye 'bout David Wise. He be a legend among musicians, known for his compositions in the classic games of old. Ye may have heard his tunes in games like Donkey Kong Country, aye! His music be like a siren's call, drawin' ye in and fillin' ye with the spirit of adventure.

So, me hearties, if ye be lookin' for a game that'll tickle yer funny bone and transport ye to a world of dreams, then Lucid be the one to set sail with! With its piratey language and humor, accompanied by the enchantin' melodies of David Wise, it be a game that'll keep ye hooked from start to finish. So batten down the hatches and prepare for an epic journey through the land of dreams, arr!"

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