The Booty Report

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Avast ye, landlubbers! The scurvy Beast shall face justice fer his wicked deeds in X-Force #48, arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Thar be but one way to halt a scurvy Beast - a fine, hearty Beast be needed! Aye, ye scallywags, a good Beast be the answer to tame the wickedness that plagues these treacherous lands!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me ears, for I have a tale to spin in the tongue of a 17th century pirate. Prepare yerselves for a humorous yarn, for these words be me own, with a sprinkle of pirate wit thrown in for good measure.

Now, me shipmates, imagine a scenario where a fearsome beast be causing havoc on the high seas. This wicked creature be terrorizin' poor souls, plunderin' their treasured booty, and makin' a right mess o' things. The sailors be scratchin' their heads, wonderin' how to put an end to this dreadful beast.

But alas, me hearties, it be said that the only way to stop a bad beast may in fact be a good beast! Arrr! 'Tis a peculiar notion, to be sure. Picture this: a noble creature, brave and true, sailin' alongside the villainous beast. It be usin' its wily ways and cunning tricks to outsmart the naughty critter.

Now, ye might be wonderin', how can a good beast defeat a bad beast? Well, me fellow scallywags, it be all about outwittin' and outmaneuverin' the enemy. The good beast be a master of mischief, playin' tricks and leadin' the bad beast astray.

Imagine the scene unfoldin', me hearties. The bad beast be chasin' its own tail, while the good beast be grinnin' with satisfaction. The sailors be cheerin' and singin' shanties, for their tormentor be defeated by the very thing they thought was their savior.

So, me mateys, remember this tale of the good beast triumphin' over the bad beast. It be a lesson in cleverness and slyness, showin' us that sometimes, the most unexpected solution be the right one. Next time ye face a wicked creature or a troublesome situation, let yer inner good beast rise up and outwit the baddie. Arrr! Fair winds to ye all!

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