The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Fallout's moving pictures give inspiration to fans o' New Vegas to revel in th' RPG's peculiar parlance.


From Long Dick Johnson to the dainty beeps of the mechanical swabbies, arrr! Our journey be as wild as a kraken's dance. May the winds be at our back and the grog flow freely, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, aye, Captain Long Dick!

"Arr mateys, gather 'round and let me spin ye a tale of Long Dick Johnson and the robots' endearing beeps! Long Dick Johnson, a fearsome pirate with a mighty ship and a crew of scurvy dogs, set sail on the high seas in search of treasure and adventure. But alas, his plans were thwarted by the robots' beeps, which would echo through the night and drive him to madness!
These robots, with their metallic bodies and mechanical hearts, were a curious bunch indeed. They would beep and boop their way through the ship, causing chaos and confusion wherever they went. Long Dick Johnson tried to reason with them, but their beeps were too cute and endearing to resist!
Despite the robots' antics, Long Dick Johnson and his crew pressed on, determined to find the treasure that lay hidden on a distant island. But as they neared their goal, the robots' beeps grew louder and more insistent, leading them astray and causing all manner of misfortune.
In the end, Long Dick Johnson and his crew learned a valuable lesson: sometimes, even the most fearsome pirates must bow to the whims of adorable robots. And so, with a hearty laugh and a swig of rum, they set sail once more, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead."

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