The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, the Fallout finale had a change of course as a key moment had to be reshot!


Yarrr, Ella Purnell be sayin' the scene be lackin' the proper swashbucklin' spirit! 'Tis a shame, me hearties. We best be addin' more cannon fire and sword fights to please the lass and make the scene truly seaworthy. Arrr!

Arr mateys, listen up! The lovely lass Ella Purnell be speakin' of a scene that just wasn't cuttin' the mustard. Aye, she be claimin' that the scene just wasn't flowin' like rum from a barrel. She be wantin' more excitement, more spark, more pizzazz!
Well, shiver me timbers! Can ye believe it? The lass be demandin' more from the crew, more from the script, more from the whole bloomin' production! She be wantin' to be dazzled, to be swept off her feet, to be transported to a world of wonder and amazement!
But fear not, me hearties! The crew be takin' her words to heart and be workin' like a pack of scurvy dogs to make the scene a real treasure. They be addin' more action, more drama, more laughs - everythin' a swashbucklin' adventure needs!
So let's raise a tankard of grog to Ella Purnell, the lass who ain't afraid to speak her mind and demand the best from her mates. Here's to a scene that'll have us all walkin' the plank with excitement! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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