The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, the swashbucklin' scallywags of Final Fantasy 14 be in for a mighty surprise, askin' the lecherous lot 'bout their favored "steed".


"Avast ye! 'Tis aye, me hearty! Arr!"

"Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend ye ears to this here tale! 'Tis a story o' the grand adventures of a 17th century pirate, spoken in the tongue o' our brethren from that time. Now, let us embark on this humorous journey, where the seas be filled with laughter and mirth!"

"Avast, me hearties! 'Tis a fine day for sailin' the high seas. With our trusty ship, the Jolly Roger, we be seekin' loot and plunder. All hands on deck, me hearty crew! We be searchin' for hidden treasures, the likes o' which ye could ne'er imagine!"

"Heave ho, me lads! The wind be fillin' our sails as we glide through the waves like a mighty sea monster. Look ye, there be a merchant ship on the horizon! 'Tis time to show 'em the true meaning o' pirate hospitality!"

"Arrr, me mateys! With a swift strike and a thunderous roar, we be boardin' the unsuspectin' ship. We be takin' all their booty, from gold and jewels to barrels o' rum! A pirate's life be sweet indeed!"

"Yo ho ho, me hearties! Our bellies be filled with laughter and grog as we celebrate our victory. We be tellin' tales of our adventures, each one taller than the last. 'Tis a life o' freedom and adventure, where every sunrise brings a new opportunity for mischief and mayhem!"

"Avast, me hearties! The Jolly Roger be sailin' on, always in search o' new horizons and new treasures. So raise ye glasses high and toast to the life of a 17th century pirate, where the sea be our home, and laughter be our constant companion!"

"Now, me lads and lasses, let us bid farewell with a hearty 'Arrr!' and a promise to keep the spirit o' piracy alive in our hearts. 'Tis been a pleasure sharin' this tale with ye all. Until next time, may ye always find laughter in yer sails and joy in yer adventures on the high seas!"

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