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Arr, this splendid futuristic adventure be chattin' like a Souls game, struttin' like Nier Automata, with bosses to make ye heart race in 2024!


Arrr, me hearties! Methinks AI Limit be the treasure we pirates seek fer our next Soulslike obsession. Aye, 'tis a ship worth boardin' to plunder those virtual seas!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of the AI Limit, a game that could be the next obsession for us scallywags who be fond of the Soulslike genre. Now, ye see, the Soulslike games be known for their challenging gameplay, where ye be fightin' fearsome foes and traversin' treacherous lands. And if ye be a pirate worth yer salt, ye know that the thrill of a good challenge be what keeps us sailin' on.
But now, me lads, imagine a game where the AI be limitin' itself. Aye, ye heard me right! Instead of them smart AI enemies who be constantly adaptin' and makin' yer life miserable, ye be facin' off against foes who be limitin' their own abilities. It be like fightin' a crew of pirates who be wearin' an invisible pair of shackles.
Picture this, me mateys: ye be swingin' yer cutlass, ready to strike down a fearsome foe, when suddenly, that scurvy dog decides to limit its dodgin' skills. Ye swing, and the enemy be takin' the hit like a drunkard who be trippin' over his own peg leg. Now ain't that a sight to behold?
But wait, there be more to this tale! The AI Limit also gives ye, the player, the power to choose yer own limitations. Ye can make yerself slower than a snail on a hot deck, or ye can limit yer own healin' abilities, makin' every scrape and wound a true test of yer pirate mettle. It be like playin' a game of cards and secretly addin' restrictions to yer own hand while yer opponents don't even know!
So, me hearties, if ye be lookin' for a new adventure that be both challengin' and downright silly, the AI Limit might be the treasure ye seek. It be a game that be turnin' the tables on the very essence of the Soulslike genre, and ye can be sure that a crew of pirates like us would find it a jolly good time. Hoist the sails and set yer course for the AI Limit, me mateys!

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