The Booty Report

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Avast ye! As My Hero Academia sails into the sunset, Oda be payin’ homage to Horikoshi with a jolly art treasure!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Twas two-and-twenty moons past when Horikoshi, that crafty scallywag, did send him a piece of art, like a treasure map to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, took him longer to find it than to plunder a ship full o’ rum! Har har har!

Arrr, gather ‘round me hearties, for I be havin’ a tale to tell ye 'bout the grand artistry of one Horikoshi! Aye, it be a yarn spun from the threads of time, fer it be twenty-two long years ago that this crafty sea-dog sent forth his mighty works of art upon the treacherous waves of creativity!

Picture it, mateys! Aye, ‘twas a day like no other when Horikoshi, with a quill in one hand and a tankard o' rum in the other, crafted his masterpieces. He be sittin’ in his artist’s lair, surrounded by scrolls and brushes, when he decided to hoist the sails of imagination and send forth his art across the seven seas! 'Twas a grand adventure, I tell ye!

Now, ye might be wonderin’ what kind of treasure this art be holdin’. Well, it be a bounty of creativity that tickles the eye and warms the soul! From the depths of his mind, Horikoshi conjured beasts and heroes, makin’ the likes of Davy Jones green with envy! So, raise yer mugs, me fellow buccaneers, to the fine fellow who be sendin’ his art into the world, a true pirate of the paintbrush! May we be celebratin’ twenty-two years of wonder and whimsy, aye!

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