Arrr! The scallywag who birthed the fruity blade now be $7 deep in eldritch chaos, feelin’ hotter than a cannonball!
Ahoy, matey! Prepare to plunge into the murky depths of procgen, where fiendish phantoms and eldritch horrors be lurkin' about! 'Tis a jolly jaunt through treacherous tides, where yer wits be tested and yer boots be fillin' with fright! Arrr, hoist the sails of madness!
Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of a most peculiar venture into the fathomless depths of procgen seas, where eldritch horrors be lurkin' 'neath the waves! Arrr, it be a treacherous journey that’ll have ye questioning yer sanity, if yer not already a few doubloons short of a full chest!