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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be warned! Doctor Who's latest contraption, the TARDIS jukebox, be spillin' secrets 'bout future adventures!


Avast ye landlubbers! Listen here, me hearties! The good Doctor's own shipwright, Phil Sims, spills the beans 'bout the fancy new TARDIS to SFX magazine. Aye, ye scurvy dogs be in fer a treat!

Arr, mateys! Avast ye, for I bring ye tidings from the world of Doctor Who! The good ol' production designer, Phil Sims, has spilled the beans about the shiny new TARDIS. Aye, me hearties, this be an exclusive interview with SFX magazine!

Now, ye scurvy dogs may be wonderin' what this new TARDIS looks like. Well, according to Sims, it be a sight to behold! He says they've given it a good sprucing up, like scrubbing the decks of a ship. The interior be lookin' sleeker than a mermaid's scales, with a touch of that good ol' Victorian era charm.

Sims also mentions that they've added some fancy new features to the TARDIS. Avast, ye landlubbers, there be a new console, all shiny and sparklin' like gold doubloons. But the best part? They've finally given the TARDIS a lift! Aye, ye heard me right, me hearties. No more troublesome stairs when our good Doctor be in a hurry!

The good ol' production designer also talked about the color scheme of the new TARDIS. He says they've gone for a more vibrant blend of colors, like a parrot's feathers. Aye, me eyes be gleamin' at the thought of it! It be a feast for the senses, me hearties.

So there ye have it, me mateys! The new TARDIS be lookin' like a true treasure, fit for our gallant Doctor. With its sleek interior, shiny console, and a lift to boot, it be a pirate's dream come true. So, buckle up, me hearties, for we're in for an adventure on the high seas of time and space!

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