The Booty Report

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Yarr, methinks Zack Snyder be cravin' to helm a swashbucklin' Fortnite flick, arrr!


Arrr, the captain be a mighty enthusiast o' Fortnite, matey!

Arr, matey! I be hearin' tell that the director be a jolly ol' scallywag, aye! But ye know what be ticklin' his fancy? Why, it be none other than that game they call Fortnite! Aye, ye heard me right, me hearties! That swashbucklin' director be a massive fan, he be!

Now, picture this, me mateys. Instead o' directin' a film or scribblin' a script, this scurvy dog be spendin' his time plunderin' and pillagin' in the virtual seas. Aye, he be sailin' the treacherous waters of Fortnite, battlin' it out with other landlubbers, all in the name of victory and glory!

But, ye may be wonderin', what draws this captain of the silver screen to such a game? Well, me hearties, it be the thrill of adventure! Just like we pirates seekin' buried treasure, this director be seekin' the elusive Victory Royale. He be explorin' the vast map, huntin' for weapons, and buildin' mighty fortresses to protect his scurvy hide.

But let me tell ye, this be no ordinary fan, me landlubbers! This director be goin' all out, arr! He be dressin' his character in the most outlandish outfits, from peg-legged pirates to feathered hats fit for a captain. Aye, ye can bet he be showin' off his swag as he dances his way to victory!

So, me hearties, next time ye be watchin' a film and ye hear the name of this Fortnite-lovin' director, ye best believe that behind that fancy title lies a scallywag who be fightin' battles on virtual shores. And let us raise a tankard o' grog to this director, for embracin' the spirit of adventure, even if it be in the form of a game. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum for this jolly ol' matey!

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