The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis not Hayden Christensen, but the mighty Keanu Reeves who be Shadow in Sonic 3! Arrr!


Aye, me thinks Shadow be makin' a grand return. Watch yer back, me hearties, for this scallywag be creepin' in the shadows, ready to plunder and pillage. Stand ready to face the darkness, for Shadow be comin' for ye! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, me be thinkin' Shadow be back on the scene. Aye, the scurvy dog be causin' trouble once again. Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on 'im, lest he be plunderin' yer booty.
Shadow be a crafty one, always schemin' and connivin'. He be like a ghost, disappearin' into the mist when ye be tryin' to catch 'im. But mark me words, he be no match for a true pirate like meself.
Ye best be watchin' yer back, me hearties. Shadow be sneaky and devious, always lookin' for a way to outsmart us. But fear not, for we be a fearless crew, ready to take on any challenge that comes our way.
So hoist the Jolly Roger, me lads, and prepare for battle. Shadow may be back, but we be ready to face 'im head on. Aye, there be no match for the courage and skill of a true pirate. So let's set sail and show that scallywag who be the true masters of the sea!

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