The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Florence Pugh be showin' us the secrets o' th' Marvel set, unveilin' a peculiar title swap! Avast ye!


Arrr matey, 'tis not Thunderbolts anymore, but Thunderbolts*! Aye, the asterisk be like a hidden treasure on the map, a secret code for ye to decipher. Venture forth and unravel the mystery of Thunderbolts*! Aye, 'tis a rollickin' good time indeed!

Avast ye, mateys! Listen up, for I've got some news that'll make ye chuckle like a parrot on a bender. Thunderbolts has decided to add an asterisk to their name, making it Thunderbolts*! Aye, ye heard me right - they be changin' things up in a way that's sure to confuse even the most seasoned sailor.
Now, some might be wonderin' why in the blazes they'd be addin' an asterisk to their name. Maybe they be tryin' to make themselves seem more mysterious, like they be hidin' some buried treasure or secret map. Or perhaps it's just a clever marketing ploy to get more scallywags to join their crew.
But whatever the reason, one thing be certain - Thunderbolts* be causin' quite the commotion in the seven seas. Some be scratchin' their heads in confusion, while others be raisin' their tankards in celebration. And as for me, I'll be keepin' a weather eye on this situation, ready to set sail for adventure at a moment's notice.

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