The Booty Report

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Arrr! Dying Light: The Beast be a mighty 18-hour voyage! Next month, the devs be sinking Dying Light 2, but not before a final treasure sale of six suns!


Arrr, matey! As we be craftin' the dreaded Dying Light: The Beast, it seems the scallywag grew bigger than a whale's belly full o' treasure! Aye, it be outgrowing its original plans faster than a ship in a stormy squall! Blimey, what a ruckus!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale of grand adventure in the realm of game makin’! Aye, whilst we be chartin' the treacherous waters of creatin’ Dying Light: The Beast, we found ourselves caught in a maelstrom o' ambition! What started as a wee project fer a handful o' swabs grew into a leviathan o' a game that be stretchin' far beyond our wildest dreams!

We set sail with a modest map, but soon enough, the winds o' inspiration filled our sails, and before we knew it, we were plunderin’ ideas from every corner o’ the seven seas! The creatures we conjured be more fearsome than a kraken on a bad day, and the quests be twistier than a ship’s anchor chain! Aye, we be findin' ourselves knee-deep in features and content, with nary a thought o' turnin’ back!

So here we be, battlin' deadlines like a band o' scallywags at a tavern brawl, laughin’ at the madness o’ our endeavor. Dying Light: The Beast be a treasure of ambition that has outgrown its hull, and we be ready to unleash it upon the world! So hoist the sails, me mateys, fer this be one wild voyage ye won’t want to miss!

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