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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Fear not, for Florence Pugh be not disrobed in certain renditions of Oppenheimer, arrr!


Arr, ye scurvy Indian censors be messin' with Oppenheimer's scene, replacin' it with some fancy fiddle-faddle CGI that be takin' yer focus away. Blimey, tis a right ol' blunder!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of the Indian censors and their peculiar ways. It seems they be meddling with a scene from the great film of Oppenheimer, aye, that be a movie about a famous scientist, no less! But what be their mischief, ye ask? They be addin' a piece of CGI, me lads and lasses!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker be wrong with a bit of CGI, but bear with me, mateys. In this particular scene, there be a fine moment where Oppenheimer be reciting a powerful poem. A moment of deep thought and reflection, it be. But those scurvy censors couldn't resist tampering with it, ye see. Instead of lettin' the man's words shine, they be distractin' us with some shiny computer-generated imagery!

Imagine, if ye will, the great Oppenheimer standin' there, spoutin' his lines with passion and poise, while in the background, a swarm of CGI bees be buzzin' about. Bees, I say! What madness be this? It be like watchin' a battle between Blackbeard and a swarm of killer bumblebees!

Now, me hearties, I be all for a good laugh, and believe me, this be a truly laughable sight. But it be a shame, aye, a real shame, that the censors be hinderin' the true impact of the scene. Oppenheimer's words be meant to resonate with us, to make us ponder the mysteries of the universe, not be distracted by some digital critters!

So, me fellow pirates, let us raise a tankard of rum in honor of the great Oppenheimer and his poetic prowess. May his words be heard loud and clear, and may those pesky censors learn their lesson – a swashbucklin' tale be best enjoyed without the unnecessary CGI distractions!

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