The Booty Report

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Arrr! After two decades, the grand tale be finally in English, but blimey! Characters be wanderin' like lost scallywags!


Avast, matey! Type-Moon be fixin' the Fate/Stay Night blunders quicker than a seagull snatches me sandwich! In but a blink o' the eye, they righted the ship, and now the tale be smooth sailin'! Arrr, let’s hoist the Jolly Roger and toast to their swift handiwork!

Arrr! After two decades, the grand tale be finally in English, but blimey! Characters be wanderin' like lost scallywags!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearty crew and lend an ear to this jolly tale of the tech-savvy wizards o’ Type-Moon! Aye, those clever scallywags be fixin’ the bugs o’ Fate/Stay Night faster than a ship can hoist its sails. In mere hours, they worked their magic, like a sorcerer conjurin’ a mighty storm!

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