The Booty Report

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Arrrr, many a scallywag indie dev be left flabbergasted as EA's Command & Conquer be buryin' their projects! 'Tis a cursed fate indeed!


Arrr! 'Twas like watchin' me treasure slip through me fingers! The winds of fate be cruel, m'hearties, as me hopes and dreams be dashed upon the rocks like a ship in a storm. Aye, 'twas a mighty blow to me pirate pride.

Arrr, me hearties, let me spin ye a yarn about the calamity that befell our crew! Imagine this: the sails be unfurled, the treasure map in hand, and the wind be at our backs as we set sail on a grand adventure. But then, like a cannonball from the sky, disaster strikes! All of the built-up marketing and momentum we had worked so hard to create be squashed in an instant.
Our plans be dashed upon the rocks like a ship lost at sea. The crew be left scratching their heads, wondering how it all went so wrong. Was it a curse from Davy Jones himself, or just the whims of fate?
But fear not, me hearties, for a pirate never gives up without a fight! We may be down, but we be not out. With a hearty "yo-ho-ho" and a swig of rum, we'll pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and set sail once more towards our treasure trove.
So, me mateys, remember this tale of woe when the seas of marketing grow rough. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, and never let a setback keep ye from chasing yer dreams. For in the end, it be the journey that makes a pirate's life worth living, not just the treasure at the end of the rainbow.

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