The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! The latest look at Deadpool 3 be showin' off more o' Deadpool and Wolverine's garb, and it seems the Marvel scallywags be givin' it a hearty thumbs up!


Arrr, by the heavens above, that fine garb be ill! 'Tis a sight to make even the most hardened pirate swoon with envy. 'Tis a swanky suit fit for a king's ransom, me hearties! Aye, me eyes be feastin' upon such finery!

Arr matey, did ye set yer eyes on that suit? By the heavens, it be sick! Not in the way that ye be needin' a ship's doctor, but in the way that it be lookin' grand and stylish. Aye, ye be catchin' me drift! That suit be so fine, it be fit for a pirate king! I can just imagine meself wearin' it while plunderin' treasure and drinkin' grog with me crew.
God above, I be thinkin' that suit be cursed with some kind of magic that makes anyone who wears it look like a dashing rogue. It be makin' me want to dance a jig on the deck of me ship, with the wind in me hair and the sea spray on me face. By Blackbeard's beard, that suit be a treasure worth more than all the gold in the Spanish Main!
So, me hearties, let us raise a tankard of rum to that fine suit and the brave soul who be wearin' it. May it bring him luck and fortune on his adventures on land and sea. And may we all find ourselves a suit as sick as that one, to make us feel like true swashbucklers of old. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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