The Booty Report

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Arrr, prepare ye self for Palworld's first raid, featuring a scurvy goth scallywag! The plunder be nigh!


Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars, for Bellanoir be the maiden voyage of plunder in this survival game. We'll be takin' their booty and leavin' nothin' but scallywags in our wake. Prepare ye swords and pistols, for a raid like no other awaits!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round as I tell ye of the grand news that hath arrived from the high seas! 'Tis said that Bellanoir shall be the first raid in our treacherous survival game. Aye, me hearties, this be a challenge like no other, a test of our mettle and cunning.
Ye best be sharpening yer swords and loading yer pistols, for Bellanoir be a place of danger and riches beyond compare. The legends speak of untold treasures hidden within its cursed walls, guarded by fearsome beasts and traps that would make even the bravest of pirates quiver in their boots.
But fear not, me buckos, for we be a crew of the finest scallywags to ever sail the seven seas. Together, we shall storm the gates of Bellanoir, plundering its riches and laying waste to all who dare stand in our way. So hoist the Jolly Roger, me hearties, and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime!

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