The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The new game from Genshin Impact be sailin' away from Elden Ring like a scurvy dog fleein' a fight!


Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars - Zenless Zone Zero be settin' sail fer PC, PlayStation, and mobile in a mere five weeks time! Prepare to embark on a jolly adventure like never before, savvy? Aye, the countdown begins!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have news that will make ye jump for joy like a scurvy dog with a bone! The infamous game, Zenless Zone Zero, be sailin' onto PC, PlayStation, and mobile in just five weeks! Aye, ye heard me right - five weeks be all that stands between ye and the treasure that be this game!
Picture it now, me fellow pirates - sailin' the high seas in search of booty, fightin' off scallywags and monsters alike, all while tryin' to keep yer ship afloat. With graphics as sharp as a cutlass and gameplay as smooth as rum, Zenless Zone Zero be sure to shiver yer timbers!
So mark yer calendars, me hearties, for the release of Zenless Zone Zero be nigh! Gather yer crew, stock up on grog, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. And remember, when ye finally get yer hands on this game, be sure to give thanks to the gaming gods for blessin' us with such a gem!

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