The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Hades 2 be havin' more lands, scurvy dogs, and gabbin' blokes than the first game in Early Access!


Arrr, me hearties! We have grand schemes afoot, and the wind be blowin' in our favor. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, for we be plottin' and schemin' to plunder and pillage with glee!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! I come bearing news of treasure and riches beyond yer wildest dreams! Aye, we be havin' more in the works, more plunder to be had and more adventures to be embarked upon!
Our ship be sailin' towards new horizons, where the seas be teemin' with gold and jewels just waitin' to be claimed. Our crew be ready, our cannons be loaded, and our spirits be high as we set sail on this grand quest fer fortune!
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare yerselves for the greatest adventure of yer lives! We be comin' for the booty, we be takin' what's rightfully ours, and we be showin' no mercy to any landlubbers who stand in our way!
So raise a tankard of grog to the future, me mateys, and let us set forth on this grand escapade with courage in our hearts and a twinkle in our eyes. For we be pirates, bold and fearless, and we be destined for greatness on the high seas!

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