The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Ayaneo be unleashin' two new Game Boy contraptions, but they cost a pretty doubloon more than the old sea dogs!


Ahoy, mateys! The Ayaneo Pocket DMG and Pocket Micro be up fer pre-order on the Indiegogo seas! These Game Boy-inspired treasures be ready to plunder yer gaming hearts—prepare to set sail on a jolly adventure, savvy? Arrr!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round the ol’ ship and lend me yer ears, for news be brewin’ from the distant shores of technology! The mighty Ayaneo has unleashed a pair o’ contraptions that’ll shiver yer timbers—none other than the Pocket DMG and the Pocket Micro! Aye, these be not yer average treasure maps, but handhelds that’ll make yer ol’ Game Boy green with envy!

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