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Arrr, me mateys, Steam's latest treasure be a citybuilder with reviews as fine as the finest rum! It ponders, what if Lemmings met capitalism, ye scallywags?


Arrr, me hearties! The Gnorp Apologue be a tale o' wee folk engagin' in adorable antics. 'Tis a sight fit for a pirate's eye, ye scallywags!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, allow me to regale ye with a tale of the famed Gnorp Apologue. Arr, me hearties, this be a story of wee folk indulging in the most adorable of activities.

Picture this, ye scurvy dogs: a hidden land where tiny creatures, no taller than me hook hand, frolic and play. These pint-sized beings be known as the Gnorp, and they be quite the mischievous lot. Despite their small stature, they be cunning as a sea serpent and quick as the wind.

Now, ye can imagine me surprise when I stumbled upon this land whilst searchin' for buried treasure. I hid meself in the bushes, watchin' these little rascals run amok. They be wearin' the tiniest of hats and jackets, scurrying about like ants on a piece o' eight.

One day, I witnessed a Gnorp named Barnacle Bob attemptin' to catch a fish with naught but a toothpick and a piece o' string. The little scallywag thought he be Captain Hook himself. Ye should have seen the look of triumph on his wee face when he finally landed a minnow the size of a flea!

Another Gnorp named Lollypop Lil be known for her love of sweets. She be crafty as a fox, stealin' candies from the pockets of unsuspecting sailors. One time, she even swiped a whole jar o' rum-flavored taffy from a tipsy buccaneer. She be the sweetest thief ye ever did lay eyes on!

So, me hearties, the Gnorp Apologue be a tale of tiny creatures engagin' in the most adorable antics. If ye ever find yerself yearnin' for a laugh, seek out this story and let it transport ye to a world where wee folks do the cutest of things. Arr, now pass me the grog, and let's toast to these minuscule scallywags!

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