The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, ye scallywags! Destiny 2's Final Shape be bringin' a 10-year tale to an end! Bungie be makin' it easier for all to join in!


Arrr, Bungie be sailin' the seas of video games with great vigor these past years, makin' grand improvements to their plunder. They be findin' the treasure chest o' success and fillin' it with many a fine booty for us scallywags to enjoy!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Destiny 2's Final Shape be bringin' a 10-year tale to an end! Bungie be makin' it easier for all to join in!

Ahoy mateys! Listen ye well to this grand tale of the mighty Bungie, a crew of scallywags who have made great strides in recent years. They be like a ship sailin' through rough waters, facin' challenges head on and comin' out stronger than ever.
Arrr! Bungie be workin' like a well-oiled cannon, firin' off hit games like no other. They be creatin' worlds that make even the bravest buccaneer tremble in excitement. Their dedication to quality be as solid as a chest full o' gold.
They be makin' waves in the gaming world, attractin' a loyal crew of fans who be willin' to follow them to the ends of the earth. Their reputation be spreadin' like wildfire, drawin' in new recruits with each success they achieve.
So raise yer tankards high and give a cheer for Bungie, the swashbucklers of the gaming industry! They be settin' sail for even greater adventures, and we be lucky enough to be along for the ride. Here's to many more years of plunderin' and pillagin' in the name of fun and entertainment!

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