The Booty Report

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Arrr! 'Tis not Lin-Manuel Miranda, but the scallywags behind The Unofficial Bridgerton musical who be bringin' Moana 2 songs, matey!


Arr, methinks that Miranda be a scurvy dog who won't be gracing us with her presence in the sequel, ye scallywags!

Arrr! 'Tis not Lin-Manuel Miranda, but the scallywags behind The Unofficial Bridgerton musical who be bringin' Moana 2 songs, matey!

Arr, me hearties! I've got some news that be shiverin' me timbers! Word on the seven seas be sayin' that Miranda, bless her soul, won't be makin' a comeback for the sequel we've all been yearnin' for!

Ah, Miranda, the beloved lass who stole our hearts in the first adventure. With her wit as sharp as a cutlass, and her charm like a gentle breeze on the open ocean, she became the darlin' of the crew. But alas, the winds have changed, and she's decided to sail away from our treasure-filled shores.

Now, I reckon ye all be wonderin' why our dear Miranda be abandonin' us. Some say she be tired of the pirate life, yearnin' for a landlubber's existence. Others claim she found herself a handsome landlubber to sweep her off her feet, and she be settlin' down with him. Oh, the heartache of it all!

Yet, worry not, me hearties! The seas still be filled with plenty of adventure, and we'll surely find a new buxom beauty to capture our hearts. Our trusty captain be searchin' high and low, scannin' every port for a worthy replacement. Aye, it may be a difficult task to find someone as captivatin' as Miranda, but we must have faith!

In the meantime, let's raise our mugs o' grog and toast to Miranda, our departed beauty. May she find happiness wherever she be, whether it be in a cozy cottage or a grand castle. And let's not forget the memories she bestowed upon us, the laughs and the swashbucklin' moments that filled our sails with joy.

So, me hearties, let's brace ourselves for a new chapter in our pirate saga, without our dear Miranda by our side. But fear not, for the winds of fate are ever-changing, and who knows what treasures await us in the sequel? Avast, me hearties, the future be full of excitement and surprises!

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