The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Hear ye, me hearties! Dead Island 2 be settin' sail on Steam at last, and Valve be grantin' a jolly co-op horror treasure fer all to enjoy!


Ye scurvy dogs! Ye be havin' less than 48 hours to seize Dead Island: Riptide from Steam, a treasure awaitin' yer greedy hands. Waste no time, lest ye be missin' out on this plunderin' opportunity!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! I be bringin' ye news that'll make ye jump like a landlubber on a stormy night. Avast! Ye have less than 48 hours to lay yer hands on Dead Island: Riptide for free from Steam, the treasure trove of all things piratical.

Now, me mateys, let me give ye the lowdown on this fine booty. Dead Island: Riptide be a game fit for a swashbuckling adventurer like yerself. 'Tis a sequel to the original Dead Island, where ye be fightin' off hordes of undead scallywags on a tropical island. Pirates and zombies, a match made in Davy Jones' locker!

But mark me words, ye scurvy dogs, this offer be sailin' away faster than a galleon in a tempest. In less than two days, the opportunity to pillage this game for free shall be gone like a bottle o' rum at a pirate convention. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for Steam before it be too late!

Ye may be wonderin', "Why be they givin' away such a fine game for nary a doubloon?" Well, me hearties, 'tis a celebration of the 10th anniversary of Dead Island. The developers be sharin' their bounty with all ye landlubbers to show their appreciation.

But beware, ye scallywags! Dead Island: Riptide be a game that'll test yer mettle. Ye'll be fightin' zombies with swords, guns, and even makeshift weapons like a paddle with nails in it. 'Tis a game where teamwork be crucial, for no pirate be survivin' alone in a sea of undead.

So gather ye crew, me hearties, and prepare to set sail on a virtual adventure like no other. Dead Island: Riptide be waitin' for ye on Steam, but remember, time be runnin' out. Claim yer booty before the clock strikes twelve, lest ye be left cryin' like a mermaid who lost her voice.

Now, me buccaneers, weigh anchor and set course for Steam. Dead Island: Riptide be callin' yer name, beggin' to be plundered. Aye, 'tis a limited time offer, so don't be dawdlin' or ye'll miss out on this grand opportunity. Set sail and claim yer prize, me hearties! Yo ho ho!

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