The Booty Report

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Grant Morrison be hintin' at a new adventure with his matey Frank Quitely, arrr, 'tis been a long wait indeed!


Arr matey, what be this mysterious venture we be embarkin' on? 'Tis a riddle as puzzlin' as findin' buried treasure without a map! Ye best be keepin' yer eye on the horizon, for who knows what treasures lie ahead!

Arr mateys, ye be wonderin' what this mysterious project be, aye? Well gather 'round and let me spin ye a tale of intrigue and curiosity! The project be shrouded in secrecy, like a treasure map hidden in the depths of Davy Jones' locker.
Some say it be a plan to plunder the seven seas for untold riches, while others whisper it be a scheme to conquer new lands and expand our pirate empire. But none can say for certain, as the details be as elusive as a mermaid's kiss.
Me hearties, we be left to speculate and speculate we shall, for the thrill of the unknown be as intoxicatin' as a bottle of rum on a moonlit night. So let us raise our tankards high and toast to this enigmatic project, whatever it may be!
For as long as there be pirates sailin' the high seas, there will always be mysteries to unravel and adventures to be had. So let us embrace the unknown with open arms and set sail towards the horizon, for who knows what treasures await us on the other side?

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