The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags at Marvel be tryin' to copy Overwatch, but them Doctor Strange folks be cheesin' for an easy win!


Arrr me hearties! Be they playin' the game of Marvel Rivals or the mystical Portal 3? I be needin' to know so I can join in on the fun and show 'em who be the true master of the high seas! Aye, me treasure be awaitin'!

Ahoy me mateys! Avast ye! I be pondering a question that be plaguing me mind like a pesky parrot on me shoulder. Are they playin' Marvel Rivals or Portal 3? Aye, that be the million gold doubloon question. The crew be divided like a split mainsail on this matter.
Some be swearin' by Marvel Rivals, with its swashbucklin' heroes and villainous scallywags. Others be holdin' out for Portal 3, with its mind-bendin' puzzles and mysterious portals. Me own thoughts be swingin' like a drunken sailor, unable to decide betwixt the two.
But fear not, me hearties! In the end, it matters not which game they be playin', for the real treasure be the time spent with yer mates, sharin' grog and tales of plunder. So raise a tankard to friendship and adventure, whether ye be sailin' the high seas of Marvel Rivals or delvin' into the depths of Portal 3. And remember, it's not the game ye play, but the memories ye make along the way.

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