The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, The Simpsons finally sent one of their crew to Davy Jones' locker after 35 years at sea!


Arrr, me hearties! Larry the scallywag hath drank his final tankard o' grog. The old sea dog be off to Davy Jones' locker for a long nap. Fair winds and a following sea to ye, Larry!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round as I tell ye the tale of Larry the barfly, who has sipped his last beer. Ye see, Larry was a scallywag of the highest order, always with a tankard in hand and a salty word on his lips. He was a regular at the local tavern, where he would regale us all with his tales of high seas adventures and plundered treasure.
But alas, Larry's love for the grog knew no bounds, and he soon found himself in a sorry state. His pockets were empty, his feet unsteady, and his liver crying out for mercy. The barkeep had had enough, and with a heavy heart, he banned Larry from the tavern for good.
And so it was that Larry the barfly was forced to hang up his drinking boots and set sail for calmer waters. No more would we hear his raucous laughter or see his roguish grin. But fear not, me hearties, for Larry's spirit will live on in the tales we tell and the songs we sing. Farewell, old friend, and may the wind always be at yer back.

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