The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Phil Spencer feared Playstation would snatch Starfield, so Xbox seized Bethesda 'neath their Jolly Roger!"


Avast ye! That be one clever trick to ensure that the Xbox gets its hands on Starfield. Yarr, me hearties, we shall hoist the sails and set a course for adventure!

Well shiver me timbers, mateys! We've got ourselves a right good scheme to make sure Xbox gets their hands on Starfield. Arrr! It seems that Bethesda, the scallywags behind the game, have struck a deal with Microsoft to make it an exclusive title for their console. But fear not, ye landlubbers who prefer other systems. We've got a plan to make sure Xbox gets what they want, and we get what we want too.

Now, listen closely me hearties. The first step is to gather all the booty we can find. We need to get our hands on as much gold as possible, and fast. Once we've got that sorted, we'll need to hire a crew of cutthroats to help us pull off this daring heist. We'll need the best of the best, those who are cunning, ruthless, and not afraid to get their hands dirty.

Once we've got our crew assembled, it's time to set sail for Bethesda's headquarters. We'll sneak in under the cover of darkness, and make our way to the vault where they keep the code for Starfield. This will be the most dangerous part of the plan, but we'll be ready for anything. We'll have swords at the ready, and a few pistols too, just in case things get hairy.

If all goes according to plan, we'll make off with the code for Starfield and deliver it straight to Xbox. They'll be so pleased with our handiwork that they'll reward us handsomely. And who knows, maybe we'll even get a copy of the game for ourselves, eh?

So there you have it, me hearties. That's one way of making sure Xbox gets Starfield. It's a dangerous plan, but with the right crew and enough plunder, we can pull it off. Now, who's with me? Let's set sail for Bethesda! Arrr!

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