The Booty Report

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Arrr, this Lego recreation of The Witcher be gettin' the official seal o' approval! Now I be needin' a whole game, mateys!


Avast ye, scurvy dogs! I be in dire need of a Lego set featurin' Geralt and his mighty steed, Roach. Arrr, or anythin' at all, I beseech ye, kind souls at CD Projekt Red! Grant me this wish, or ye shall walk the plank!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I have a tale to tell in the language of a 17th-century pirate! 'Tis a plea to the mighty CD Projekt Red, the swashbuckling game developers, for a treasure beyond measure!

Avast, me mateys! Picture this: a Lego set fit for a pirate's den. A Lego set of Geralt, the fearsome Witcher, and his trusty steed, Roach. Aye, 'tis a sight to behold! Can ye imagine the joy on me face if such a treasure were to come into existence?

Now, me hearties, ye may be wonderin' why I be makin' such a peculiar request. Well, ye see, CD Projekt Red be known for their grand adventures and epic tales. They be the scallywags behind the legendary Witcher series, where Geralt be slayin' monsters and sailin' through vast lands. 'Tis a game that captured the hearts of many a pirate.

But me heart be yearnin' for somethin' more, somethin' tangible. A Lego set of Geralt and Roach would be a treasure to cherish, a reminder of the adventures we've embarked upon. Imagine buildin' Geralt with his swords and armor, and Roach with his wild mane and rugged charm. 'Twould be a joyous sight indeed!

So, I beseech ye, CD Projekt Red, grant this humble pirate's plea. Create a Lego set that would bring laughter and bliss to the hearts of Witcher fans across the seven seas. Let us indulge in the whimsy of playin' with our favorite characters, bringin' the virtual world into our own hands.

In the end, me hearties, 'tis but a lighthearted request, made with a mischievous grin. But oh, the joy it would bring to this old pirate's soul! So, CD Projekt Red, I implore ye, heed this call and create a Lego set of Geralt and Roach. Ye won't be disappointin' this old salt, I swear on me treasure! Yo ho ho!

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