The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Grab $975 o' Pathfinder loot for a mere $25 coin! Yarr, what a bargain!


Avast, me hearties! Humble's Pathfinder Mega Bundle be packin' a treasure trove worth o' $975 in Pathfinder RPG booty for a mere $25! Shiver me timbers, that be a steal ye won't want to miss out on, arrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Grab $975 o' Pathfinder loot for a mere $25 coin! Yarr, what a bargain!

Arr mateys, gather 'round and listen up! Ye won't believe yer ears when ye hear about Humble's Pathfinder Mega Bundle. For just $25 pieces of eight, ye can get yer hands on a treasure trove worth a whopping $975 in Pathfinder RPG booty. Aye, ye heard me right! This be a deal fit for the likes of Blackbeard himself.
Inside this bundle, ye'll find all sorts of swag to make yer RPG adventures more epic than a kraken battle. From rulebooks to adventures to maps, there be enough plunder here to keep ye entertained for years to come. And the best part? Ye be supportin' charity with every purchase, so ye can feel good about addin' to yer treasure hoard.
So set sail for Humble's website and snatch up this deal before it's gone, me hearties. With $975 worth of Pathfinder RPG content for just $25, this be a steal that even Captain Jack Sparrow would be jealous of. Don't be a scallywag, get yerself some loot and support a good cause while ye be at it. Arrrrr!

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