The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Them Helldivers be mockin' the Game Master Joel after plunderin' 6 planets, defendin' 2, and claimin' 2 sectors!"


Me hearties be givin' the ol' "please don't do that" when I be tryin' to plunder a wee bit o' treasure. Aye, they be no fun at all! I be needin' a crew with a bit more pirate spirit, arrr!

Arr mateys! It seems me fellow soldiers be getting a bit testy with me jolly antics. They be respondin' with a hearty 'please don't do that' whenever I be pullin' one o' me practical jokes. But fear not, me hearties, for I be not one to let a little scolding dampen me spirits!
Ye see, bein' a pirate be all about havin' a sense o' mischief and merriment. If me crewmates can't handle a little jestin' and jokin', then they be in the wrong line o' work! Aye, there be a time and a place for seriousness, but a little laughter and tomfoolery be good for the soul!
So, me fellow soldiers may be waggin' their fingers and shakin' their heads at me antics, but I be takin' it all in stride. After all, what be a pirate's life without a bit o' fun and games? So, me hearties, raise a tankard o' grog and join me in a toast to mischief and mayhem! And if the landlubbers don't like it, well, they can walk the plank!

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