The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Rings o' Power be hidin' a merry tune from Sauron, and the bard be over the moon!


Arrr, matey! Sauron and Galadriel be tangled up in a wicked tune, like two scallywags dancin' to Davy Jones’ dirge! Aye, their notes be as dark as a stormy sea, makin’ even the Kraken blush! Hoist the anchor and prepare for a cacophony of chaos!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for I be tellin' ye a tale of shadowy tunes and elfish doom. It be said that the dark lord Sauron, he of the fiery eye, be havin' a jolly ol’ time with a tune so sinister it could make a kraken weep! And who be his unlikely partner in this melody of mischief? None other than the fair Galadriel, the sharpest lass in the realm, with hair as bright as a treasure chest o' gold!

Now, picture this: Sauron, that scurvy dog, pluckin' at his dark lute, conjurin' up a tune that could charm the barnacles off a ship! But lo and behold, Galadriel, the High Lady of the Wood, hears this wicked serenade and cannae resist! She be joinin' in with her celestial voice, makin' the very trees sway like a crew o' drunken sailors! Aye, it be a sight to behold, two foes dancin' to a tune that could make Davy Jones himself sit up and take notice.

But beware, me mateys! For beneath the sweet harmony lies a bond as treacherous as the waters o' the Abyss! Aye, it be a dark musical moment, one that could spell doom for the unsuspecting. So raise yer tankards and toast to this bizarre duet, for in the world of wizards and elves, nothin' be as it seems!

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