The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs need not fear the PSN's restrictions! The brave devs be seekin' new horizons for us to plunder! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Arrowhead be no scallywag tryin' to make ye choose between breakin' Sony's rules or missin' out on the plunder. Ye can still sail the seas and play the game without walkin' the plank. Fair winds to ye!

Arr matey, listen up ye scallywags! Arrowhead be tellin' ye that they won't be makin' ye walk the plank by makin' ye choose between breakin' Sony's TOS or not playin' the game. Aye, they be havin' some respect fer the rules set forth by Sony, but they be not wantin' to deprive ye of the joy of playin' their game either.
So fear not, me hearties! Ye can sail the seas with Arrowhead without worryin' about gettin' caught in a squall of trouble with Sony. They be knowin' how important it be for ye to enjoy the game without havin' to walk the plank for breakin' the rules.
So set sail with Arrowhead, me buckos, and enjoy the adventures awaitin' ye in the game. Just remember to keep a weather eye on the horizon and steer clear of any trouble that may come yer way. And always remember, a pirate's life be full of fun and laughter, so don't be lettin' any rules ruin the party!

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