The Booty Report

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Arrr, be I the only one seein' all these flying contraptions clutterin' the skies? 'Tis peak drone madness, me hearties!


A scallywag of a writer be yappin' about why those flying contraptions should walk the plank! Avast, they be too nosy for their own good, spyin' on a pirate's secret treasure hunts. Best be keepin' them grounded, says I! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen well to me words of wisdom as I tell ye why it be time to bring those pesky flying cameras down to the ground. These infernal contraptions be buzzin' about like annoying little flies, disturbin' the peace and privacy of us landlubbers.
Ye see, these flying cameras be invadin' our personal space, spyin' on us like a bunch of sneaky scallywags. It be downright disrespectful, I say! We should be free to go about our business without fear of bein' watched from above like some poor seagull.
Plus, think of the chaos these flying cameras be causin' in the skies! It be like a swarm of seagulls fightin' over a scrap of fish. It be a miracle they ain't crashin' into each other left and right.
So I say, it be time to ground these flying cameras and give us landlubbers a break. Let's enjoy the beauty of the world below without havin' to worry about some nosy camera peepin' in on us. Arrr, ye hear me, ye pesky drones? Ye be grounded!

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