The Booty Report

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Guillermo del Toro be givin' a fine retort to ye scallywags at Paramount's latest plan o' animations!


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be hearin' that Paramount be havin' a grand newfangled idea for makin' moving pictures, and the artists be a'buzzin' with excitement!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather ye round and hear the tale of Paramount's new animation plan that has set all the creatives a-buzzin'! Picture this - a land filled with mystical creatures, swashbuckling adventures, and hilarious antics. That be the vision of Paramount, as they aim to embark on their grand voyage into the world of animation.
Now, ye may be wonderin' why this be such a cause for celebration. Well, me mateys, in this day and age when animation be ruling the high seas of entertainment, Paramount be wantin' a piece of that gold. They be seein' the success of animated films and TV shows, and they be sayin', "Avast! We can do that too!"
But what be settin' this plan apart from the rest be the choice of creatives they be bringin' onboard. They be gatherin' a crew of talented folks, the likes of which ye rarely see. These be the very scallywags who have worked on beloved animated movies like "Shrek" and "Kung Fu Panda." Aye, ye heard me right - the very same folks who made ye laugh and cry at the same time with their tales of ogres and martial arts pandas.
So, what kind of stories be these creatives planin' to tell, ye ask? Well, buckle up, me hearties, for they be takin' us on a wild ride through uncharted waters. They be promisin' us a world filled with fantastical beasts, where creatures ye never even dreamed of be comin' to life. They be plannin' to make us laugh and cheer as we follow the adventures of unlikely heroes and their hilarious mishaps.
Now, me lads and lasses, we must keep in mind that this be all in the early stages. The ship be just settin' sail, and it be a long voyage before we see the fruits of their labor. But fear not, for if these creatives be as talented as they seem, we be in for a jolly good time. So, let us raise a tankard of grog and toast to Paramount's new animation plan, and may it bring us laughter and joy for many years to come!

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