The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Phil be sayin’ he’s let many a treasure slip by, like Destiny and Guitar Hero—what a scallywag!"


Arrr, he be no landlubber who wallows in a sea o' regrets, matey! Nay, he sails the wild waves with a hearty laugh, settin' his sights on treasure, not sorrow! A jolly rogue, he be, with nary a frown to be found on his weathered mug!

"Arrr, Phil be sayin’ he’s let many a treasure slip by, like Destiny and Guitar Hero—what a scallywag!"

Avast, ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a scallywag who be no "regrets type person." Aye, this hearty soul sails the tempestuous seas of life with naught but a jolly grin upon his bearded visage. When the winds blow foul and the storms rage, he laughs in the face of adversity, shoutin', "Let the waves crash! I’ve got me rum!"

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