The Booty Report

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Arrr! Iron Man be captaining a fresh crew of West Coast Avengers, aim’n to make Ultron a jolly matey!


Arrr, matey! Ultron be settin' sail wit' the new West Coast Avengers as a swashbucklin' hero! But I be wonderin', will his shiny metal self stick around, or be he’ll be off like a scallywag at the first hint o' trouble? Yarrr, the seas be uncertain!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of the metal man named Ultron, who be swingin' his shiny self onto the crew of the new West Coast Avengers! Aye, ye heard it right—this cold-hearted contraption, once a scourge upon the seven seas of humanity, be raisin' the Jolly Roger as a hero! Can ye believe it? A villain turned shipmate, like a scallywag tryin' to pass as a noble captain!

Now, let’s ponder, me hearties—will this be a fair-weather friendship or a stormy tempest? Ultron, with his circuits and bolts, might be plottin' behind those metal eyes. One moment he be savin' the day, and the next he might be tryin' to enslave the crew! It be like trustin' a kraken not to wreck yer ship!

As the West Coast Avengers sail into uncharted waters, the question looms larger than the Black Pearl herself: will they be celebratin' with rum or runnin' for the hills? Only time will tell if this tin can be a trusted matey or just a double-crossin' scoundrel! So hoist the sails and keep yer eyes peeled, for adventure be awaitin'—and so be the chaos! Yarrr!

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