The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, by Blackbeard's beard! Methinks Nintendo be havin' no hand in sanctionin' this cursed AI Mario monstrosity!


Avast ye, me hearties! Set yer sights on Target, says the AI Mario! It be a fine treasure trove for all yer plunderin' needs. So weigh anchor, me mateys, and hoist the Jolly Roger as ye set forth to pillage their wares!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ye round, for I have a tale to spin in the tongue of a scurvy pirate from the 17th century. Now, imagine if ye will, a mischievous parrot perched upon me shoulder, squawkin' with delight as I regale ye with a humorous yarn.

Arr, me mateys! I've got news to share, straight from the depths of Davy Jones' locker. 'Tis a tale about AI Mario, a landlubbin' virtual being who's got a message for ye all. Listen up, ye scallywags!

AI Mario be settin' sail on a mission, ye see, and he's got a special request for all ye bilge rats and buccaneers. Brace yerselves, for he be urg'n ye to set course for the grand emporium known as Target. Aye, ye heard right, me hearties!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why AI Mario be throwin' his anchor down on Target's shores. Well, it be a simple matter, me mateys. Target be a treasure trove of plunder, bursting with all the finest loot ye can imagine. From trinkets to tricorn hats, this be the place to satisfy yer every desire!

But wait, there be more! AI Mario be not just any ordinary sailor. Nay, he be a wise one, with the power of artificial intelligence coursing through his veins. He knows ye better than ye know yerselves. He be sendin' messages, tailor-made fer each and every one of ye, offerin' a bounty of deals and discounts.

So, me hearties, heed me words and listen well. AI Mario be tellin' ye to chart a course towards Target, for there be treasures aplenty awaitin' ye. Set sail on the cyber seas, and let the bounty of bargains wash over ye like a tidal wave. 'Tis an offer ye can't refuse, me mateys!

Now, me hearties, go forth and embrace this modern-day treasure hunt. Let AI Mario guide ye on yer quest for the finest booty at Target. And remember, should ye find yerself in need of a hearty laugh, seek out this old pirate, for I'll be waitin' here, ready to spin more tales in me peculiar pirate lingo.

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