The Booty Report

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Arrr, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's demo doth be hidin' Easter Eggs fer two o' th' original JRPG's mightiest scallywags!


Avast ye, maties! Be we locked in battle with the fearsome Emerald and Ruby Weapons? Arrr, methinks the sea be churnin' with treacherous foes!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, as I spin ye a tale of epic proportions. Picture this, if ye will: a ragtag crew of scallywags, sailin' the high seas in search of adventure and treasure. But lo and behold, word reaches me ears that we may be on the brink of a battle fer the ages! Aye, me mateys, 'tis said that we could be facin' none other than the fearsome Emerald and Ruby Weapons!

Now, ye might be wonderin', what be these Weapons, ye ask? Well, me lads and lasses, they be like nothin' ye've ever seen before. They be monstrous beasts, strong enough to make even the bravest of pirates quiver. Picture a giant, shimmerin' emerald and a ruby, each with enough power to sink a fleet of ships with a single blow. Aye, 'tis a sight to behold!

But fear not, me hearties, for we be no ordinary crew of scurvy dogs. We be pirates, bold and fearless! We've faced Krakens, battled mermaids, and outwitted the most cunning of foes. So, if we be facin' these legendary Weapons, we shall do so with a hearty laugh and a swig o' rum!

Picture it, me mateys! Our ship, flyin' the Jolly Roger, sailin' through the stormy seas as we square off against the Emerald and Ruby Weapons. We'll fight with cutlasses in hand, swingin' from the riggin' like monkeys, and bellowin' our pirate chants into the wind.

And when the battle be done, we'll celebrate our victory like true pirates should. We'll dance a jig, sing a shanty, and share tales of our triumph over grog and a feast fit for a captain.

So, me hearties, brace yerselves for the adventure of a lifetime. The battle against the Emerald and Ruby Weapons be waitin' just beyond the horizon. Ready yer swords, raise the anchor, and let the pirate spirit guide ye to victory!

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