The Booty Report

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"Arrr, them Cyberpunk scallywags be praisin' Baldur's Gate 3, but we be stickin' to our D&D roots, mateys!"


Arr matey, this be makin' yer decisions more peculiar, but in all the jolly good manner! Set sail fer adventure and embrace the oddities, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Let me tell ye a tale of a strange device that be makin' some peculiar choices, but in a jolly good manner! It be makin' decisions that be leavin' ye scratchin' yer noggin, but in a way that be bringin' a smile to yer face!
This peculiar contraption be sendin' ye on adventures ye never thought ye'd embark upon. It be makin' ye try new foods, meet new mates, and explore new lands! Ye might be thinkin' it be a bit odd at first, but soon ye'll be enjoyin' the thrill of the unknown!
So raise yer tankard of grog and toast to this device that be makin' life a bit more interestin'! It might be causin' ye to raise an eyebrow or two, but in the end, ye'll be thankin' the stars for the wild ride it be takin' ye on! So embrace the weird choices it be throwin' yer way, me hearties, for they be leadin' ye to treasures ye never could have imagined!

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