The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs, Lady Gaga be hintin' at playin' a role as Harley Quinn in Joker 2, a true spectacle!


Arr matey, word on the high seas be that Gaga's rendition of the Harley be a sight to behold. 'Tis said to be as fresh as a morning breeze and as wild as a storm at sea. Yarrr, I cannae wait to see it meself!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye be hearin' the news that Gaga's takin' on the role of Harley in a new version of the tale. Aye, ye heard right! This version be all new, me mateys!
Instead of the same ol' Harley we be knowin', Gaga be bringin' her own flair and style to the character. She be puttin' her own spin on it, makin' it a fresh take on the classic tale. Ye can be expectin' some surprises and laughs along the way!
So gather 'round, me hearties, and get ready for a jolly good time with Gaga at the helm of this new adventure. She be bringin' her unique charm and talent to the role, givin' us a version of Harley like we've never seen before.
So hoist the sails and set a course for excitement and fun with Gaga's version of Harley. It be a journey ye won't want to miss, me mateys! Arrr!

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