The Booty Report

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Arrr! Avast ye! TimeSplitters 4, lost at sea for 16 years, be found on a humble eBay treasure map!


Arrr, this be the exact tomfoolery that <insert any publisher name> did shun in the year of 2008! Aye, they be not wantin' any o' this nonsense, so let's keep our wits about us and steer clear o' such foolishness, me hearties!

Arrr matey, listen here ye scallywags, back in the year of our lord 2008, the likes of had no interest in such tomfoolery and balderdash. They wanted tales of swashbuckling pirates, treasure hunts, and daring adventures on the high seas, not this malarkey we be discussin' now.
But here we be, in the year 2021, still yammerin' on about this nonsense. It be like tryin' to sell a peg leg to a mermaid, it just don't make no sense. The publishers wanted stories of brave buccaneers and dastardly deeds, not this poppycock we be waggin' our tongues about.
So let this be a lesson to ye, me hearties, stick to the tales that be pleasin' to the ears of the publishers. Don't be tryin' to sell them a parrot when they be wantin' a pistol. Keep to the tried and true, the tried and true, and ye be findin' success on the seven seas.

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