The Booty Report

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Arr, 'tis said that The Witcher 4 be havin' over 400 scallywags aboard, but production's not even begun!


Arr! We be settin' sail fer the production phase come the latter half o' the year, me hearties! Get yer cannons ready and hoist the sails, fer we be makin' progress on our grand quest! Aye, 'tis true, me mateys!

Arr mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis be the plan fer the second half o' the year - we be movin' on to the production phase, aye! No more dilly-dallyin' around, we be settin' sail towards our goal like true buccaneers!
But beware, me hearties! The seas be treacherous and full o' obstacles. We must be ready to face any storm that comes our way. Keep yer eyes on the horizon and yer wits about ye, for only the strong survive in these waters!
So gather round me mateys, and let us raise a tankard to the future! A future filled with riches and glory, where our names will be sung in taverns across the seven seas! Onward we go, towards fortune and adventure!
But remember, me lads and lasses, 'tis not all smooth sailin'. There be challenges ahead, but fear not! With our courage and determination, we shall conquer them all! So hoist the anchor, unfurl the sails, and let's make this production phase the greatest adventure of our lives!

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